Envionmental Policy

Walk My Dog recognises its responsibility to the environment and this policy states our commitment to the protection of the environment. It is the aim of Walk My Dog to provide its clients with a high quality service. We will carry out all of our company’s aims and objectives in an environmentally responsible manner. We have recognised that through our activities we inevitably impact on the environment. We consider that our main causes of concern arise from the use of energy, our transport requirements, consumption of consumables and waste production. To address these impacts we have developed the following policies.


  • Walk My Dog will occupy offices which have efficient building management systems and low energy lighting that should be turned off at the end of each day
  • Only energy-efficient computers and peripherals will be acquired and they should be turned off at the end of each day
  • Walk My Dog will maintain a commitment to offsetting all carbon emissions associated with its business activities by plant native trees in new sustainable woodlands within Wales.


  • Public transport and bicycles will be used whenever possible
  • Car-sharing will be carried out whenever possible
  • Teleconference facilities will be extended to main office locations to minimise business travel and increase efficiency
  • Laptops/tablets will be made available to all staff where needed to facilitate home working and minimise the need to travel to offices


  • Whenever economically justifiable, paper and other consumables used will be made from environmentally friendly or recycled material or from renewable resources.
  • Business stationery and marketing literature will be printed on recycled paper or paper made from environmentally-friendly renewable resources.
  • Paper consumption will be controlled by adopting the following policies:
    Print and photocopy using both sides of the paper (wherever possible).
    Reuse paper wherever possible.
    Use e-mail instead of paper (whenever possible).
  • Try to minimise the amount of waste generated – try to use a glass rather than a plastic vending cup for cold drinks; bring packed lunches in a sandwich box rather than wrapping in cling film or foil; say ‘no’ to unnecessary bags when buying your lunch.
  • Whenever economically justifiable, Walk My Dog will purchase organic, fair trade products e.g. tea, coffee, sugar.

Recycling Waste

  • Walk My Dog will make every effort to recycle office paper and envelopes. Appropriate receptacles will be provided at our office and all paper collected there sent to recycling plants
  • Walk My Dog will also recycle as much other material, such as printer cartridges, as is economically viable.
  • When replaced, computers and peripherals will be offered to local schools or charities, or sent to recycling plants

Branded Products

  • Whenever possible, Walk My Dog will sell branded pet accessories made from recycled/environmentally friendly materials.

We will routinely assess the significance of these impacts and will set targets for continuous improvement as necessary. We will periodically review our performance towards meeting our objectives and targets and will revise those objectives and targets accordingly. We will publish information on our targets and our progress in meeting them. Walk My Dog will ensure that proper managerial, technical and administrative controls operate in order to enable this policy to be maintained. We will seek to incorporate the use of practices, materials and products that are compatible with our commitment to prevention of pollution.

Walk My Dog will comply with all relevant current environmental legislation. It is the policy of Walk My Dog to ensure that all personnel involved in the organisation’s operations are fully aware of the company’s environmental policy. All employees will have appropriate training: the directors will ensure that each employee understands the environmental aspects and controls of his/her responsibilities.

Individuals will be trained to meet the requirements of relevant objectives and targets for continuous environmental improvement.
It is the responsibility of all employees to support and apply those sections of the environmental policy that relate to their activities within the organisation.
This policy embraces relationships with our suppliers with whom we will promote improved environmental performance through communication of our policy and relevant objectives. The policy will also be communicated to our customers and is available to the public at www.walkmydog.co.uk

Sue Bland
Walk My Dog Founder


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